At Strength & Serenity Bodywork, Neuromuscular & Barefoot Deep tissue
Massage Therapy
Barefoot Massage is a very deep form of myofascially focused massage addressing the FULL BODY. It is a therapeutic technique in which feet are used, to apply deep pressure and perform massage techniques. This style of bodywork is effective for deeply relaxing the muscles, releasing tension, and addressing chronic pain. The technique is highly beneficial for clients who need a deeper, more extensive release of muscular tightness and stress
One of the main benefits of barefoot massage is the ability to apply much deeper pressure than with hands alone. I use my feet to exert force, which allows for a more controlled and consistent depth of pressure. The feet are naturally larger and stronger than the hands, making it easier for me to apply deeper pressure over larger muscle areas, such as the back, thighs, and glutes, without fatiguing as quickly as with hands.
Hands are always an available option upon request.
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (NMT) is a very specific form of body work addressing one specific area of discomfort caused by any number of reasons, to include injuries, over use patterns, posture, and chronic discomfort. The intention with this bodywork is to get to the root of the problem by searching for the pain spots and figuring out the map. It’s quite a collaborative process!
Due to this, we are in constant communication throughout the entire session, ensuring to be addressing specific areas of tension and tenderness while simultaneously noticing any referred pain or areas of discomfort. These are clues your body is using to help reveal the cause. We will use numerous techniques such as stretching and engaging the muscles and moving through ranges of motion.The specific work will last approximately 30 minutes and any remainder will be used towards a gentle, incorporating type of massage.
Unsure which massage to schedule? Book a free consultation call.
Consult your physician prior to massage therapy
Personal Training
With Strength & Serenity Bodywork
at Genuine Fitness LLC
Strength. Movement. Confidence.
Empowering clients to become more confident and body aware within the gym and life. Healthy strong form is always the goal! Beginners are very welcome clients as we focus primarily on moving the body well and always pain free. Everything is connected. My hope is to help develop greater body awareness while lifting weights and improving movement. Whatever your goals may be, we will collaboratively design a plan, and help keep you accountable.
No gym membership is necessary.
1-3 days per week.
Consult your physician prior to personal training.
Connection is Key
Genuine Fitness
Genuine Fitness
Interested in getting serious in the gym and thinking about bodybuilding or stepping up your gym game?
Genuine Fitness is a private training facility for professional personal trainers to utilize for their client's needs. Our trainers provide over 60 years of combined training experience!
Genuine Fitness offers a wide range of fitness and training services including Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Accountability, Contest Preparation, and Nutritional Assistance.
They have multiple professional athletes who utilize Genuine Fitness for their workplace and training environment. We are staffed with the very best in professional natural bodybuilding in the state of Oregon.
**Note** The client-trainer relationship is extremely important. While I understand that I may not be the best trainer for everyone, and that not every client may be the best fit for me, that's completely okay! This is one of the reasons I have partnered with Genuine Fitness. You can still train at this incredible facility, but with someone who is more aligned with your needs. Accountability and building a strong connection are key, especially since it will take time to reach your goals. It's essential to find a trainer who suits you both in terms of your fitness objectives and your personality. You'll have the most enjoyable experience working with someone you truly connect with.
Click the link below to be connected with a Genuine Fitness coach.